Announcing It Here, First

Fanfare pleeeease…

I’ve started a BLOG!

*Silence falls. Crickets. *

Well, duh Anna.

Ok, Ok… (ahaha!) I guess this is more of a quick post to say WHY I’ve started a blog.

Because it makes perfect sense to me.

I realised I have a lot of stuff to share with you, not just about writing, but about LIFE. 

The ins and outs, the ups and downs, the ALL of it. 

Because I don’t know anyone who’s on this path of writing a book, who isn’t affected by LIFE as they’re doing it.

It just doesn’t happen. 

Especially women like us, in our middle>late youth *sighs* with family, work, responsibilities…

We go about our day-to-day, helping the ones we love, and we put off doing the things we want to do…

It’s our frustration.

But, let’s face it, we can’t stop life-as-we-know-it just so we can write a book. 

Instead we have to work around life. We have to integrate writing a book with everything else we do. 

Another reason I’ve started this blog is so we can interact more. You can leave comments on pages and let me know which bits you like and want to hear more about.

So… will focus on Inspiration, Biz + Life and of course, Writing Tips.

So you can read about me doing life stuff (can’t wait for you to meet my Mum!) navigating as I go, and as ever talk about writing…because pretty much everything in life is a big, giant metaphor for writing a book. 

Oh, and don’t forget to leave a comment! I can’t wait to hear from you.


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