The Biggest Benefit of Doing What You Love

moving somewhere you love

Before I built my house, I sold my old one (which is next door) to a couple called Liam and Sue. Shortly afterwards, they bought a holiday home in Kerry in the South West of Ireland. Then Lockdown came and they hotfooted it down there to feel safer.

They didn’t come home until Christmas.

Then they stayed for just two weeks, went back to Kerry again and didn’t return for another three months…

Then my old house was back on the market. 

They loved their new life. There was more space, beautiful lake views and infinite walks for their two retrievers. There was even a milder climate because of the Gulf Stream. 

But they’d never have gone to live there – and never known they’d love living there – if they hadn’t been pushed by an external force. 

And it’s the same for most of us. We might feel a rumbling of dissatisfaction in our lives where we know we’d rather be doing something else and we ought to make a change.  We dream of more travel, a better relationship, more free time, a lighter workload, and writing a book…

But do we do anything about it?


Instead, we make excuses. 

We tell ourselves it’s not the right time.

Or we’re too busy.

Or we can’t really afford it right now. 

And we carry on doing the same ol’ thing, day in and day out…

Of course it’s all BS. 

It’s just our lizard brain working hard to keep us inside our comfort zone because that’s where we feel safe.  

So we wait, and we live a mediocre life we can complain about. 

Then, something seismic hits us from the outside and knocks us to the ground. 

We might get mentally sick.

Or physically sick.

Or even lose someone we love.

And suddenly, the rumbling of discontent becomes a roar that we can’t unhear. And now it’s more risky to not make the change than make it. 

Like a lady I work with called Catherine, who wanted to write a book but thought she couldn’t because she’s dyslexic. Then she got cancer, which posed a much greater risk than dyslexia…

So she wrote the book…

But here’s the thing.

We don’t have to wait for an external force to wreak havoc on our lives before we make the changes we know we should have made a long time ago.

We can choose to steer ourselves back on course right now.

And the way we do that is incredibly simple. So simple, it seems insignificant. 

Do something creative that you love.

Do something which sparks joy. And do it regularly.

It could be writing or singing, or swimming or drawing or planting a vegetable patch. 

It doesn’t matter really, and you don’t have to be good at it: you just have to love it.

Because then you’re in the place where you’re most deeply aligned; where you’re naturally your most enthusiastic, passionate self. 

Which means you’re connecting with a deep sense of integrity and you feel calm and ‘in flow’ like you’re swimming with the current, rather than against it. 

And, as I’ve recently learned through hypnotherapy, when we feel this deep state of calm, we also experience a sense of  timelessness. Which means our heartbeat and brainwaves are synched (or very close to it) and we are in our perfect energy. 

And then we feel happier, and inspired to do more.

And that feeling of Inspiration is like rocket fuel for more creativity and more of what you love, which creates an ever increasing circle. 

The word inspire comes from the Latin inspirare, which means to breathe or blow into. So when you feel inspired, you’re literally blowing more life into yourself and those around you. You expand and transcend your former self; you become more of YOU.) 

And in this way, your life begins to change for the better. 

Marianne Williamson famously said, ‘as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.’ So it’s not just you that benefits, it’s everyone around you. 

And there are serious health benefits that come with it as well: a decrease in stress, greater social interaction, and a better mood which can lead to stronger heart health and even add quality years to your life.

But wait.

What are you doing if you’re NOT doing what you love?

Well, you’re staying small and stuck and resisting your potential for growth. And you’re probably feeling compromised or disgruntled or unhappy, and your heart might not be beating as strongly as it could.  

Which isn’t serving anyone, least of all you.

So if something’s bothering you and doesn’t feel right, and you’re ignoring it and you’re going further and further off track (and you KNOW if you are) don’t wait for an external force to blow in before you make a change.

Instead, go back to doing what you love. Because it’s your deepest intelligence guiding you towards your own light, your own brilliance and your unique way of serving in this world.

Do you want to turn your passion topic, teaching or transformational method into a book so that people can use it to improve their lives? Complete this super-short survey right here. 🙏

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